When can you start getting Medicare?In Las Vegas, Nevada we get lots of inquires about how and when to sign up for Medicare. The simplest answer is, you can start when you turn 65. But depending on your situation, you will either be automatically enrolled in Medicare or need to apply yourself. It can seem a bit complicated at first, but we’ve included all the information you need to get signed up for Medicare right away.

When Can I Enroll in Medicare?

You will be automatically enrolled in Medicare when you turn 65 if you are already receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits. Your coverage will start the 1st of the month you turn 65. This means, if your birthday is April 15, your coverage will start April 1st. If your birthday is the first of the month, then coverage will begin the first day of the month prior to your birthday. If you are not currently receiving retirement you are not eligible to be automatically enrolled in Medicare. In this case, you will need to apply yourself during your Initial Enrollment Period.

Your first chance to enroll in Medicare is called your Initial Enrollment Period. The Initial Enrollment Period is a seven month enrollment period, beginning three months before you turn 65. It consists of the three months prior to your 65th birthday, the month you turn 65, and the three months following. Your Initial Enrollment Period is the best time to get started with your Medicare enrollment. Choosing not to sign up during your Initial Enrollment Period can result in Part B late fees, and gaps in coverage.

What if I Missed My Initial Enrollment Period?

If you do not enroll in Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period, you can enroll during annual enrollment. This takes place between January 1-March 31 every year. If you enroll during annual enrollment, your benefits will start on July 1st of that year. Enrolling during the annual enrollment period is always an option. But keep in mind if you miss the Initial Enrollment Period, you may end up paying Part B penalty fees. Part B penalty fees can last as long as you have Medicare. Delaying Part B can also cause gaps in your coverage.

Can I Get Medicare Before I Turn 65?

There are a few situations where you can qualify for Medicare before the age of 65. If you have received Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits for 24 months, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare on your 25th month. You may also qualify for Medicare before the age of 65 if you have ALS. In this case your benefits would start the same month as your disability benefits. The last exception for early Medicare would be if you have end-stage renal disease (ESRD). If you require a kidney transplant or dialysis, you may enroll in Medicare at any point, even if you are still working.

With Medicare there are always a few different options available to you. But we know sorting through them is half the challenge. It can be difficult to determine the right plan for you, on your own. At Accurate Choice Insurance we enjoy pairing our customers with the best health coverage for their lifestyle. We are educated professionals ready to answer all your questions. If you would like to learn more about signing up for Medicare, contact us at info@accuratechoiceins.com or call 702-425-4100!

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